Light Housework
We help with many of the housework tasks that can become a challenge over time. Including the vacuum cleaning, washing dishes, cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, sweeping and mopping of floors and dusting.


Meal preparation
All our carers/support workers can cook a meal of your choice from scratch or they can warm up a ready meal for you. All meals will be served how and where you wish. They will wash up all equipment they used before leaving.


Washing, drying, ironing and putting away clothes.


Whether it is your weekly food shop or to buy clothes or presents, the carer/support worker can go with you if you are able to help or they can go for you and follow your list and clear instructions. Staff will sign out any money given to them and will return with the change and receipts which they will also record in your home held records.


In hospital or out of hospital support


If you need to go into hospital, we can arrange to visit you often and undertake your laundry, bring you in fresh supplies etc.

When you come out of hospital you may need support for a short period of time, until you are back on your feet.
